40th Annual East Coast Rally another hit

Annual East Coast Historic Military Vehicle Rally • Aberdeen, Maryland • May 9-11, 2013

The 40th Annual East Coast Rally, put on by the Washington Area Collectors/Blue and Gray Military Vehicle Trust (WAC/B&G MVT) in Aberdeen MD, was once again a big success. Hundreds of vendors and owners came out May 9-11, 2013, to enjoy showing off their vehicles, their wares, and their enthusiasm for the hobby.

Except for a downpour Friday night, the weather was fair and partly cloudy most of the time, and a good time was had by all in attendance. Many folks had driven long distances to attend the show, some in convoy with other HMV owners coming from as far away as Canada and Florida. These drivers showed their dedication to the hobby in the mileage they travelled!

Below are some of the vehicles that were in attendance at the Aberdeen show, enjoy!

—Mike Davidsen

Ford M20 Armored Car, owned by John Cliche
1943 FWD HAR-1 4-ton cargo, owned by David Firstman
1942 Dodge WC-53 radio truck, owned by W.A. Schroth
1967 Ford M718 jeep ambulance, owned by T.J. Stallone
1941 Dodge WC-12 pickup, owned by Bruce Jones
1971 M35A2 cargo truck, unknown owner
1968 Kaiser M725 ambulance owned by C. McEwen, that he displayed with the doors open to view the patient compartment.
1944 Dodge WC-62 6x6 cargo, owned by Richard Wark
1942 Ford GPA “seep”, owned by Dave Welch
1986 AM General M1026 armament carrier, owned by Sean Plaisance
1965 M35A2 gun truck “Thunder Road”, unknown owner
M925A1 5-ton w/winch cargo truck, owned by Bernie Matyniak
Fleet of three WWII jeeps ready for duty in the vendor area.
1989 Freightliner SEE (Small Emplacement Excavator), displayed by Government Liquidation
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