Dealer Directory

Browse Military Trader's Directory of dealers, institutions, auction houses, and other suppliers who specialize in a variety of military collectibles, including historic militaria, military vehicles, reproductions, firearms, reenacting supplies, and more.
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Grenadier Military Antiques Auctions, Inc.
Grenadier Auctions is a premier online auction company with more than three decades of experience dealing in military antiques.

Kaiser Willys Auto Supply
Kaiser Willys is proud to be a leader in providing high quality parts for Willys Jeeps including the MB, GPW, CJ2A, CJ3A, CJ3B, M38, M38A1, Willys Wagon, Truck, Jeepster, CJ5, CJ7 and CJ8.

Landser Outfitters, LLC
Seller of German Memorabilia including Awards, Badges, Uniforms, Field Gear, Knives, Head Gear, Insignia, Weapons and Personal Items.

Military Connection L.L.C. – War Relics Shop & Museum
We Buy, Sell and Trade military war relics from all countries and all periods. It is an honor and privilege to bring the history of past and present wars to you from our online store and our shop located in South Milwaukee, WI

National Capital Historical Sales Inc
George A Petersen is a US Army Veteran 1964-1967, Vietnam Dec 1965-Dec 1966. We have in stock over 45,000 Military items, US and Foreign, Original and Reproduction.