When the 90th hit Normandy
Soldier’s diary helps tell the heroic history of the 90th Infantry Division.
This is a story of the 90th Infantry division and its impact on the liberation of Europe. The 90th Infantry Division served in WWI and was first activated in August 1917 and served overseas in June 1918, primarily in major operations such as St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne. By the end of the war, the division suffered 7,549 casualties before returning to the U.S. and was inactivated in June of 1919. The Division was reconstituted in the Organized Reserve in June 1921 and assigned to the State of Texas.
With the start of WWII, the division was ordered into active military service on March 25, 1942 at Camp Barkley, Texas.
Since the 90th originally sourced its manpower from Texas and Oklahoma, the 90th Division patch incorporates both a T and O. While sometimes referred to as the Texas–Oklahoma Division, they came to be known as the “Tough Ombres”. The 90th would then be shipped to Europe on March 1944 and arrive in England on April 5, 1944.
Along the way there was an amazing detailed diary written by Robert F. Goron, who was part of the Headquarter Company, 3rd Battalion, 357th Regiment of the 90th Division. I knew Robert as a childhood neighbor in the early 1950s. Many decades later I noticed an estate notice after his passing and made a journey to the old neighborhood. It was then that a relative realized I knew Robert that she offered all his military decorations and paperwork to me as someone who might treasure his memory. This all resulted in a “Favorite Find” feature in a Dec. 4, 2018 issue of Military Trader.
While his military artifacts are still treasured, more importantly, as the Company Clerk for the Headquarter Company, he was able to do a typed diary for every moment of the 357th Infantry Regiment even prior to the D-Day landing for the 90th Division. His ability to actually type in the midst of ongoing battle while the division moved across Europe is no small feat.
One of the first entries by Goron states: “boarded ship “Dominion Monarch” evening of 22 Mar 44-sailed morning of the 23rd. Arrived in Liverpool, 3 April 44-left ship in the evening arrived at Camp Kinlet, Shropshire, England – 4th Near Kidderminster”. He then continues “Left Race Course Camp Wales-near Chepstow-arrived Cardiff, Wales-boarded Ship “Bienville” 4 June 44- Beachhead, France (Utah Green Beach) 8 June 1944”. Everything in quotes is exactly as Goron typed and abbreviated in the diary.
Their particular element of the 90th Division that landed at Utah Beach didn’t land without difficulty. The rest of the Division would enter combat on June 10. One of the 90th troop ships was sunk in the English Channel and a battalion of infantrymen, along with a company of Engineers, swam and waded ashore with no weapons to enter the fight on the beachhead.
After the landings, the “Tough Ombres”, previously untested in battle, would fight for 53 straight days. Somehow while all this was going on, our company clerk, Robert F. Goron, continued to make entries for the next six months. One of the Division’s major tasks was to deepen a wedge into France started by the aerial assault of the 82nd Airborne Division. The 90th would see heavy fighting at Pont-l’Abbe, Gourbesville, and Portbail. By early July, the “Tough Ombres” would meet a heavily fortified sector of German forces in the Mont Castre area. Defended by picked German paratroopers and SS men, the 90th would strike at Mont Castre on July 3 in a battle that lasted for eight days. One unit of the 90th suffered so heavily that the Division would be compelled to organize a company “J” from an odd lot of cooks, clerks and mechanics. The 90th would take Mont Castre and in this early period everything was moving so fast that Robert Goron in these early days of combat could only record locations as well as the time of entering and leaving specific locations. The mere fact he was able to do this, especially in typed detail, is a testament to his talent as company clerk. This would continue until the start of 1945 when the 90th Division rapid advance across France would reach the border of Germany.
After the taking of Mont Castre, the division would began to close the Falaise pocket and by Aug. 22 the 90th had trapped 12,000 Germans in that sector. Later that month the 90th took Chambois.
Following the fall of Metz, the 90th Division crossed the Moselle River. By early December, they had crossed the Saar River north of Saalaurtern. With the start of the German Ardennes offensive, the 90th would set up a defensive posture until early January, when it would return to the offensive. It was during this period that Robert Goron appeared to have some time to make more detailed entries until the end of the war in June of 1945. He made 10 to 20 entries on each of 10 legal size documents in which the most interesting entries will be shared. The entries are tied to Goron, and his serving with the 357 Infantry regiment. Goron’s final entries in abbreviated form show the 90th in Hessmuhle Chateau, Germany between Dec. 12 and Dec. 21, 1944. While the HQ company and motor pool remained near Hessmuhle, Goron’s unit spent the next two weeks in Oudrenne, France. This is the period when Goron’s diary entries became more detailed.
For most of January 1945 the unit would be moving around between Luxembourg and Belgium. A Jan 8, 1945 entry read “Bn. Moved on foot at 1000 4 miles to Liefrange, Lux. arr. at 1530. Heavy snow fell all day making travelling extremely difficult. Large drifts blocked roads. Rolls were were taken up in AM — Difficulty was found in quartering the men in Liefrange-many units crowded into it. Rear Bn. Cp remained in Bigonville-Awaiting orders to move up”.
Goron’s unit would remain in Luxembourg often moving to different locations always under attack or shelling. An interesting January 17, 1945 entry read “Doncols, Lux. Rear CP no change. Approximately 10 rounds of artillery landing in vicinity -1800. Troops moved to new location. Approx. 1,000 yards. Prisoners taken -17- extracts of information as to enemy positions & strength learned upon interrogation”. The 90th had driven into the Saar by early 1945 and on Feb. 19, the division smashed through the Siegfried Line fortifications to the Prum River. After a short rest, the 90th crossed the Moselle River to take Mainz.
Goren’s March 14, 1945 diary entry read “Aiken, Ger. Bn. Moved out on foot for Kalt 13 Mar at 2230. Assembled at Lof, Ger. Began crossing the Moselle River at approx. 0200 14 Mar. Companies have taken their objectives meeting light resistance and suffering light casualties. Rear CP moved to Kalt, Ger. Assembled and crossed the river at 1100. Light firing met – MG located in town firing toward CP. Approx 30 prisoners have been taken. Co. “K” still meeting light resistance in town. CP located at edge of town. Firing upon castle on hill above.”
By March 24, 1945 Goron’s unit arrived at the Rhine River and was ferried across the river by U.S. U.S. Navy rafts and motor boats. In the assembly area they were strafed by enemy planes. Fortunately, no casualties were suffered.
The war was nearly over, but the 90th wasn’t through. April saw it fighting south of Eisenach, and after having bypassed armored units, the division ended up in Barchfield. The divison helped take Plauen and cut Germany virtually in half late in the month by slashing through the rail center of Hof. By May 5, 1945 Goron’s diary indicates his unit crossed the Czech border and headed for its next object 39 miles further into Czechoslovakia with casualties being taken. Goron’s diary entries in Czechoslovakia detail weather, the nature of the towns and their final destination in Ustalec, Czechoslovakia on May 7, 1945.
With the weather now warm and sunny, there were rumors of peace, with only official confirmation needed. The people of Ustalec were friendly, waving and giving the troops food. The next day the 90th Division was told that victory in Europe was officially declared. The 357th infantry battalion would stay in Ustalec until May 16, 1945 and arrive May 17, 1945 in Germany. Goron’s diary ends on June 3, 1945 with the simple comment “no change”.
Included in the myriad of documents was a General Order Number 124 titled “Award of Bronze Service Arrowhead” listing each soldier of the 3rd Battalion, including officers and enlisted men who landed on June 6, 7, 8, and 9, 1944 and were awarded the Bronze Service Arrowhead , The list included Tech 5, Robert Goron, 3341509. Goron would continue to serve until his honorable discharge on Oct. 27, 1945 at the Indiantown Gap Military base in Pennsylvania. Along with his official honorable discharge certificate, a detailed enlisted record and report of separation his his battles and campaigns as well as decorations and citations. Included in those decorations along with WWII campaign medals is his insignia as technician 5th grade, combat infantry badges and marksmanship awards.
Upon returning to Pittsburgh, Goron worked as a horticulturist at Phipps Conservatory. Goron and his friend Clifford McFall eventually bought a historic home called the Frew House which is one of five extant pre-1800 structures in the City of Pittsburgh. The original three-story stone structure was built in circa 1790 with a Greek revival addition added in 1840. John Frew built the original house on a Revolutionary War land claim along with 94 acres of farm land. After 1900, the house was rented and fell into disrepair. By 1941 the farm was subdivided leaving about an acre of land.
Upon his return from war, Goron and McFall spent decade restoring the house as well its gardens. The gardens with Robert’s horticulture skills would become a focal point for many local garden clubs.
This author and his twin Bob helped Goron in the 1950s by cutting grass, weeding the gardens and delivering the daily paper. It was in this period that Goron gave me a wartime souvenir of a large 8 x 4-foot Nazi banner that hung from a local governmental building in one of the many liberated German cities of the 90th Division, starting my obsession with military collectibles.
So this story is a special and personal salute to Goron and his service in WWII.

David Burrows is a retired educator and life long military collector. He started collecting as a teenager. David was a physics teacher for 37 years with the Pittsburgh Public schools. He is a frequent contributor to Military Trader as well as the OMSA Journal. His other passion with British cars has resulted in many feature stories both in US publications as well as international publications over the last 30 years.