Looking back at the ‘Show of Shows 2024’

The Ohio Valley Military Society brought out the good stuff! The 2024 ‘Show of Shows’ lived up to its name.

Though the state of the economy and inflation have remained concerns for many Americans, neither seemed to impact the 31st Ohio Valley Military Society’s Show of Shows (SOS) in Louisville, Kentucky, which once again attracted collectors from near and far. The largest military collectibles event in North America truly continued to live up to its name.

Looking for armor? This was your place to be. Military Trader & Vehicles
Military Trader & Vehicles
You wouldn’t have seen a tank – at least not a full-size one – at SOS, but there was still plenty of “armor” on hand. Military Trader & Vehicles
We may not think of Show Of Shows as being a particularly “musical event,” but there was no shortage of instruments this year. Whether there was any actual talent in the building is another question! Military Trader & Vehicles
Military Trader & Vehicles
Military Trader & Vehicles
Military Trader & Vehicles
If you need proof of capitalism’s triumph over communism, just check out the fact that these Communist items are now “collectibles.” A uniform from the East German National People’s Army. Military Trader & Vehicles
A uniform to the Soviet City Police (right), another uniform from the East German National People’s Army (left)
A pair of North Korean tunics Military Trader & Vehicles
There were also plenty of Soviet-era medals as well as artistic pieces devoted to Jospeh Stalin. Military Trader & Vehicles
A few banners that honored Vladimir Lenin Military Trader & Vehicles
This year was truly “Hats Off!” . The show offered some truly unique headgear complete with a selection of flashy 19th and early 20th-century headdress. Military Trader & Vehicles
Serbian and Polish M1915 Adrian helmets Military Trader & Vehicles
More helmets and headdress Military Trader & Vehicles
For those who needed some illumination on the subject, there was a rare “Trench Art” helmet lamp produced just after the First World War. Military Trader & Vehicles
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