A look at ‘Compressed Press’ during WWII
Newspapers & magazines were shrinking during WWII.
There is a tendency among some collectors and re-enactors to focus on government-issued items. If it didn’t come from the government, they aren’t interested in having it in their collection. That stance doesn’t reflect the reality of war. Every serviceman brought things from home, or acquired civilian things along the way, and you should include these personal items in your displays.
A natural is to include reading material from home. Anyone who served in uniform knows that military service involves long periods of waiting around with nothing to do. Reading material was second only to movies as a pastime. Due to paper shortages — and to reduce fuel consumption — some newspapers and magazines produced a smaller print edition that was suitable for mailing to the troops.
The Portland Oregonian was typical. It printed a daily edition just eight pages long and 8.5 by 11 inches. These were abbreviated versions of their full-sized print editions, but without advertising. They included war and national news, editorials, sports, comics, and even local news like marriage announcements. The Boston Herald called its miniature paper the “Liberty Overseas Edition.” Others were called “servicemen’s editions” or just “miniature editions.” Most were printed on flimsy paper stock, and with a much smaller text size. When folded horizontally into thirds, each would fit into a standard business envelope. Families were encouraged to buy a subscription for their father, son, or daughter in service.
These reduced-size newspapers are uncommon today, since most were shipped overseas, and few returned. Most of these servicemen’s editions began in mid-1942 and disappeared by mid-1946. They’re not extremely expensive, but they are hard to find. Values typically range from $10 to $15, more for important issues, such as the end of the war.
Magazines also printed smaller versions. Newsweek’s “Battle Baby editions” measured 6 x 8.25 inches and was 36 pages long. In November, 1942, Time Magazine began producing “Pony Editions,” which were also 6 x 8.25 inches. Covers carried the caption “This edition is specially printed for members of the U.S. Armed Forces overseas. Editorial content is unchanged from the regular edition.” When folded vertically, these Time and Newsweek editions also fit into a standard business envelope. To reduce cost and weight, many magazines were printed on thinner paper — 20 or 25 lbs. per ream, compared to the more usual 45 or 60lbs.
While the magazines were filled with battlefront news, they also included world news, sports, art, business, and cinema. Slightly different versions were printed for the Mediterranean, Pacific, and the ETO. The size of printing used for these issues was also reduced, from a more typical 9- to 11-point typeface, down to to 7.5. Many soldiers complained that the typeface was too small to read.
The Special Services Division of the U.S. Army, which was responsible for serving the morale needs of those in uniform, ordered thousands of subscriptions to more than a dozen magazines. Many magazines offered subscriptions to the military at cost. A one-year weekly subscription to Time cost $3.50 including postage. European theater and Mediterranean versions are less common. Time Magazine is fairly common; Newsweek, less so. Values range from $5 to $15.
The Saturday Evening Post produced the smallest magazine under the rubric “Post Yarns.” These were 3 x 4.5 inches, smaller than 3x5 cards, and fit easily into a dungaree shirt pocket. Each was 64 pages long, and included corny cartoons, such as “the dangers of women drivers,” short stories, and articles. Large quantities were given to the military, free of charge. These are uncommon, but not expensive. Values: $5 to $10 each.
Between 1943 and 1946, Royce Publishers published more than 150 editions of “Quick Readers.” These were a mix of short stories and condensed books. Just 3 x 4.5 inches, the series focused on sensationalist titles with lurid covers, such as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, and old favorites such as Gulliver’s Travels and Treasure Island. They became very popular amongst the troops. One private commented, “They are really easy to hide when I’m on guard duty.” To influence those who might criticize their selections, Royce also published Quick Reader versions of the King James Bible and a dictionary. Quick Readers are uncommon and can be found for $10 to $20.
Typically, copies of these reduced-size newspapers and magazines were read and passed around until they were in pieces. All represent an affordable collecting niche, and all are worthy of the attention of re-enactors, museums, and historians. Like the Armed Services Editions, a few of these items will spice up a static display and add interest to a display or to a footlocker tray.