Military Trader Show Calendar

Military Trader Shows | Military Vehicles Shows | Reenactments/Living History | All Events

To submit a show listing to be included in our calendar of events, send show date(s), location, and contact information to Attn: Battle Plan, Active Interest Media, 2143 Grand Ave., Des Moines, IA 50312 or email to Include “Military Show Listing” on the subject line.

 Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed!


Mar 28-30 NV. Sparks. Big Reno Gun Show. Sparks Nugget Casino Resort. Big Reno Show, Lou Fascio, (620) 615-0098,, (775) 828-2350,

Mar 30 MA, Chicopee. Wings and Wheels - ValleyCon34. K of C 460 Granby Road. 9am-4pm

Apr 5-6 CA, Fresno. Fresno Gun Show. Elks Lodge. GunTV, John Low, (650) 520-6002,, Savannah (317) 345-7040, infoguntv@gmail.com

 Apr 5-6 OK, Tulsa. Tulsa Arms Collectors Association. 4145 E 21st Street.

Apr 6 MA, Burlington. North East Toy Soldier Society Toy Soldier Show & Sale. Hilton Garden Inn - 5 Wheeler Road. 9am-3pm. Admissin $8, 2 for $15, Under 15 FREE.

Apr 12 FL, Mt. Dora. Military Collectible Show. Renniger's Antique Center - 20651 US-441 N. 9am-3pm. Greg Spalding (407) 462-2163

Apr 12-13 CA, Santa Clara. Santa Clara Gun Show. American Legion, GunTV, John Low (650) 520-6002,, Savannah (317) 345-7040, infoguntv@gmail.com

Apr 12-13 KS, Wichita. Military Guns & Collectible Show. Cessna Activity Center - 2744 S. George Washington Blvd. Sat. 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-3pm. Admission $5, Under 12 FREE., Shawn 316-210-3255

Apr 12-13 MN, Cannon Falls. SE MN Military Show. The Grand O2 Event Center - 32057 64th Ave. Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun 8am-4pm. Admission $10, Under 14 FREE. Vince 507-263-3698,, 

Apr 12-13 PA, Gettysburg. The Spring Gettysburg Show.

Apr 13 OH, North Canton. 20th Bi-Annual Northcoast Military Collectors Militaria Show. MAPS Air Museum - 2260 International Parkway. 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM, northcoastmilitary@att.net

Apr 16-19, Plymouth, CA. Camp Plymouth Military Vehicle Show & Swap Meet. Amador County Fairgrounds, 18343 Empire St., and adjacent 49er Village RV Resort. The largest annual MV plus militaria event in the West. No admission, parking, vendor or vehicle registration fees but sellers must rent a camp space. in_garage "at"

Apr 18-19 TN, Nashville / Franklin. TMCA, Tennessee Military Collectors Association. Cool Springs Marriott Hotel 700 Cool Springs Blvd. Franklin, TN 37067. [,], (615) 661-9379.

Apr 19 CA, Hayward. Bay Area Militaria Show (BAM) NO GUNS OR AMMO. Hayward Veterans Building - 22737 Main St. 9am-2pm. Admission $6 , Eraly Bird 7am $10, Info. Ed. Anderson,Jr. 1- 415-999-9221, Tables Mark Hull 1-415-531-0917

Apr 19 NY, Patterson. The Duffle Bag Militaria Show. 65 From Street.

Apr 25-26 AL, Huntsville. AMCA, Alabama Military Collectors Association. Huntsville Jaycee's Community Building, 2180 Airport Rd. Huntsville, AL 35801., (256) 651-7302.

Apr 25-26 GA, Marietta. Atlanta International Military & Antique Gun Collectors Show. IAMAW Local 709 Union Hall - 1032 S. Marietta parkway. Friday Noon - 5pm, Sat. 9am-4pm. Admission $7, Ages 7-12 $1, 2-day pass $10. 704-254-6181,

Apr 25-27 IL, Schaumburg. Chicago Area Japanese Collectibles and SWORD Show. 1800 E,. Golf Road.

Apr 26 MI, Wyoming. Super Military Show. 5830 Clyde Park Ave.

Apr 26 TX, Schertz. Alamo City Militaria Expo. Knights of Columbus Hall - 509 Schertz Pkwy. Admission $5, under 12 FREE. Tables $60, 210-843-6012, 512-731-7093,

Apr 26 IL, Wheaton. Chicago Civil War Show. 2015 Manchester Road.

May 3-4 OH, Mansfield. Ohio Civil War Show. 750 N. Home Road.

May 4 PA, Gettysburg. The Gettysburg Toy Soldier Show. Eisenhower Hotel & Conference CTR. 10am-3pm

May 8-11 La Sône France. Militaria Swap Meet, Military Vehicle Auction. D1092, 38840 La Sône. 9am-6pm. Swap Meet May 10, Auction May 11. ,

May 17 AZ, Phoenix. Phoenix Militaria and Antique Gun Show. Phoenix Shrine Auditorium, 552 N. 40th St. Saturday 9am-3pm, Cactus Productions, Tony 602-380-1424,

May 18 IL, New Lenox. Midwest Militaria Military History & Collectibles Show. V.F.W. Post 9545 - 323 Old Hickory Road. 9am-1pm. Admission $5, Tables $30 (2 or more $25/ea.) Paul 815-641-6411, Bob 708-598-4156

May 23-24 MS, Biloxi. Gulf Coast Military Relics, Antique Arms & Collectibles Show. Joppa Shriner’s Center, 13280 Shriner’s Blvd. Fri. 11am-5pm & Sat. 9am-4pm,  228-224-1120

May 31-Jun 1 NV, Las Vegas. Greatest Gun Show in Sin City. Ahrens Hotel. Lucky 8 Promotions (888) 235-9888,,

May 31-Jun 1 NC, Raleigh. Old North State Antique Gun & Military Show. North Carolina State Fairgrounds. 704-254-6181,

Jun 6-7 OH, Wilmington. OVMS Wilmington Show. 123 Gano Road.

Jun 6-8 PA, Reading. Mid-Atlantic Air Museums World War 2 Weekend. 1054 Arnold Road.

Jun 7 Twickenham, UK. Plastic Warrior Show 2025. The Harlequin Suite, The Winning Post,Chertsey Road, Whitton

Jun 13-14 MA, Sturbridge. New England Antique Arms Society Show (NEEAAS) 366 Main Street.

Jun 14 IN, Noblesville. Greater Indianapolis Militaria Show. Hamilton County Fairgrounds Exposition Hall - 2003 Pleasant Street. 9am-3pm. Admission $6, Under 12 FREE. Phil Elder 317-332-7819

Jul 12 FL, Mt. Dora. Military Collectible Show. Renniger's Antique Center - 20651 US-441 N. 9am-3pm. Greg Spalding (407) 462-2163

Jul 13 PA, Upper Chickester. Military Collector and Re-Enactor Flea Market. Upper Chichester Community Center - 1950 Market St. Ken Tanner (610) 592-7487

Jul 18-19 GA, Marietta. Atlanta Antique Gun & International Military Show. IAMA W Union Hall. 704-254-6181,

Jun 20-21 CA, Pomona. The West Coast Historical Militaria Collectors Show. 1101 W. McKinley Ave.

Jun 28-29 OK, Oklahoma City. Heartland Militaria Show. OKC Fairgrounds. Sat 9am-5pm, Sun 9am-3pm. Daily admission $15, $1off for Veterans/First Responders. 12 and under FREE. 1-4 Tables $100ea., 5+ tables $90ea., Matt Hindi 405-503-3665,

Jul 13 IL, New Lenox. Midwest Militaria Military History & Collectibles Show. V.F.W. Post 9545 - 323 Old Hickory Road. 9am-1pm. Admission $5, Tables $30 (2 or more $25/ea.) Paul 815-641-6411, Bob 708-598-4156

Jul 19-20 OH, North Canton. ASMIC Military Show and Convention MAPS AIR MUSEUM 2260 INTERNATIONAL PKWY 317-513-1151-Dennis Adams

Jul 25-27 PA, Gettysburg. Military Weekend: Military Vehicle and Militaria Show- World War II American Experience. 845 Crooked Creek Road

Jul 26-27 Fl, Arcadia. Arcadia Gun Show & Military Show. 2250 NE Roan Street.

Jul 26-27 TN, Chattanooga. Chattanooga Antique Militaria & American Show & Sale. 323 Camp Jordan Pkwy.

July 31-Aug 3 MO, Kansas City - Orders and Medals Society of America Show and Convention AIRPORT HILTON KANSAS CITY MO, 8801 NW 112th ST 64153 DAN SPEIR - co chairman email to Public only Saturday 2 Aug 2025

Aug 2 IL, Countryside. Countryside Military Show, 6200 Joliet Rd. 8:30AM-3:00PM. 130+ Tables. Contact Austin: 248-342-2594 |

Aug 15-17 NV, Sparks. Big Reno Gun Show. Sparks Nugget Casino Resort. Big Reno Show, Lou Fascio, (620) 615-0098,, (775) 828-2350,

Aug 16-17 CA, Bakersfield. Crossroads Bakerfield Gun Show. Kern County Fairgrounds. Sat. 9am-5pm., Sun. 9am-3pm. Admission $15, under 12 FREE, (801) 544 -9125,,

Aug 23-24 NC, Raleigh. Old North State Antique Gun & Military Show. North Carolina State Fairgrounds. 704-254-6181,

Sep 13-14 NV, Las Vegas. Greatest Gun Show in Sin City. Ahrens Hotel,Lucky 8 Promotions (888) 235-9888,,

Sep 14 IL, New Lenox. Midwest Militaria Military History & Collectibles Show. V.F.W. Post 9545 - 323 Old Hickory Road. 9am-1pm. Admission $5, Tables $30 (2 or more $25/ea.) Paul 815-641-6411, Bob 708-598-4156

Sep 20 IL, Wheaton. Chicago Civil War Show. 2015 Manchester Road.

Sep 18-21 PA, York. OVMS Max Show. 334 Carlsile Ave.

Sep 28 IL, Schaumburg. Chicago Toy Soldier Show. 1800 E. Golf Road.

Oct 4 IL, Countryside. Countryside Military Show, 6200 Joliet Rd. 8:30AM-3:00PM. 130+ Tables. Contact Austin: 248-342-2594 |

Oct 11 FL, Mt. Dora. Military Collectible Show. Renniger's Antique Center - 20651 US-441 N. 9am-3pm. Greg Spalding (407) 462-2163

Oct 18 IN, Noblesville. Greater Indianapolis Militaria Show. Hamilton County Fairgrounds Exposition Hall - 2003 Pleasant Street. 9am-3pm. Admission $6, Under 12 FREE. Phil Elder 317-332-7819

Oct 18-19 LA, Mandeville. The Greater New Orleans Militaria Show.

Oct 25-26 Fl, Arcadia. Arcadia Gun Show & Military Show. 2250 NE Roan Street.

Oct 25-26 CA, Bakersfield. Crossroads Bakerfield Gun Show. Kern COunty Fairgrounds. Sat. 9am-5pm., Sun. 9am-3pm. Admission $15, under 12 FREE, (801) 544 -9125,,

Oct 25-26 MN, Cannon Falls. SE MN Military Show. The Grand O2 Event Center - 32057 64th Ave. Sat. 8am-5pm, Sun 8am-4pm. Admission $10, Under 14 FREE. Vince 507-263-3698,, 

Nov 7-8 GA, Marietta. Atlanta Antique Gun & International Military Show. IAMA W Union Hall. 704-254-6181,

Nov 8-9 NV, Las Vegas. Greatest Gun Show in Sin City. Ahrens Hotel. Lucky 8 Promotions (888) 235-9888,,

Nov 8-9 OK, Tulsa. Tulsa Arms Collectors Association. 4145 E 21st Street.

Nov 16 IL, New Lenox. Midwest Militaria Military History & Collectibles Show. V.F.W. Post 9545 - 323 Old Hickory Road. 9am-1pm. Admission $5, Tables $30 (2 or more $25/ea.) Paul 815-641-6411, Bob 708-598-4156

Nov 21-23 NV, Sparks. Big Reno Gun Show. Sparks Nugget Casino Resort. Big Reno Show, Lou Fascio, (620) 615-0098,, (775) 828-2350,

Nov 23-24 NY, Middletown. Great Middletown Firearm & Knife Show. County Fairgrounds

Nov 28-29 TN, Nashville / Franklin. TMCA, Tennessee Military Collectors Association. Cool Springs Marriott Hotel 700 Cool Springs Blvd. Franklin, TN 37067. [,], (615) 661-9379

Nov 30 FL, Sarasota. Military Relic & Vehicle Show. Sarasota Farm Bureau Pavilion - 7289 Palmer Blvd. 8am-2pm. Tables $40, Admission FREE. Ken Skel, 941-650-1259

Dec 6 IL, Lakemoor. Lakemoor Military Show, 28874 IL-120. 9:00AM-3:00PM. 100+ Tables. Contact Austin: 248-342-2594 |

Jan 10 FL, Mt. Dora. Military Collectible Show. Renniger's Antique Center - 20651 US-441 N. 9am-3pm. Greg Spalding (407) 462-2163

Jan 29-31, 2026 KY, Louisville. OVMS Show of Shows (SOS).,

Confirm all information with show promoter before traveling. The time, dates, and/or location may have changed!

Also check out these shows and events:

*Historic Military Vehicle Shows, Rallies, & Convoys

*Military Reenactments

*Militaria and Gun Auctions
